Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy was approved by Horowhenua District Council's Executive Leadership Team in December 2023.

Purpose and scope

The Privacy Policy sets out mandatory privacy requirements for Horowhenua District Council.

It explains why we collect and store personal information, what we do with it, and who we can share it with, based on the principles of the Privacy Act 2020. It provides guidelines for collecting personal information, including how we use surveillance cameras, drones, and other visual images, as well as managing other personal information we collect.

The policy applies to all Elected Members, Council employees including temporary staff, employees of our related organisations and contractors. Staff can only access, use or share information that Council holds for the express purposes of conducting the role for which they are employed by Council, or with the authorisation of the person who the information relates to.

Horowhenua District Council Privacy Policy(PDF, 297KB)

Policy review

This policy may be reviewed from time to time by Horowhenua District Council at its sole discretion, and in any event will be reviewed biennually (every two years). The next review will be in December 2025.

Questions or complaints

If you feel we've breached any principles set out in the Privacy Act, or have a privacy issue you wish to discuss, please contact us by:

If you believe there's a privacy dispute we cannot resolve, you can make a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner who can investigate potential breaches of the privacy principles. You can contact the Privacy Commissioner by:

  • phoning Freephone 0800 803 909 (Monday to Friday, 10am to 3pm)
  • emailing
  • post to Office of the Privacy Commissioner, PO Box 10094, Wellington 6143.