Fees will be calculated when you lodge the consent and you'll receive an invoice for the estimated time based processing cost and number of inspections required for your project. The invoice will include the fees associated with processing your application for a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC). The fee schedule is available on our Building Fees and Charges page and will give you an estimate of the amount payable.
Fees for MBIE & BRANZ levies must be paid before the building consent is granted.
Once the final inspection has been passed, a reconciliation of inspections and processing time will be carried out and either a refund will apply for any inspections and processing time paid for and not completed, or an invoice will be issued for inspections and processing time completed and not covered by the fixed fee. Any outstanding fees must be paid prior to the issuing of the CCC.
For full information on how to make payments please view our Paying Us page.
If the value of your project is over $20,000.00 your fees will include levies which we are required to collect on behalf of the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ). Projects with a value of $20,444 and over will also be charged a levy for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).