Water Conservation Level 1 has been put in place for Foxton and Foxton Beach from Friday 6 December 2024 until further notice.
View the Public Notice
Plans and strategies currently in place and adopted by Horowhenua District Council are available below.
The Levin Town Centre Strategy aims to guide how the town centre will look and work in the future.
The Horowhenua Growth Strategy plans where and how our district will grow out to 2040.
The Long Term Plan (LTP) 2024-2044 | Te Mahere Tūroa 2024-2044 is Council's key strategic planning document. It outlines Council's financial situation as well as the levels of service we're committed to for the activities we undertake and capital projects work programme.
View Council's 2022/2023 Annual Plan which outlines planned projects and activities, based on year two of the Long Term Plan 2021-2041.
The Heritage Strategy assists both Council and the community to more effectively manage heritage with the Horowhenua District.
Council's Open Space Strategy provides a strategic vision for open space within the Horowhenua District and proposes a large number of actions.
The Horowhenua Waste Management & Minimisation Plan (WMMP) sets out how Council will progress efficient and effective waste management and minimisation in the Horowhenua District.
Council's reviewing its Reserve Management Plans (RMPs), many of which were prepared in 1999 & 2000. Plans currently being prepared or reviewed and those that have been completed can be viewed here.
Council's Shared Pathways Strategy provides a strategic framework for a shared pathways trail network linking the district's major communities.
The Foxton Beach Reserves Investment Plan is a programme of investment in the public reserves at Foxton Beach over a ten-year timeframe. Funding has been allocated from the Foxton Beach Freeholding Account to make improvements within these reserves over this timeframe.
Find out more about the Master Plans we're creating for three new communities in Horowhenua.
View information about Horowhenua District Council's Property Strategy and the sale of non-core properties.
The Housing Action Plan is an initiative that came from the Community Wellbeing Strategy. Horowhenua is one of the fastest growing districts in Aotearoa and that has placed growing pressure on housing and families. A multi-sector Housing Forum was created and through this forum the Housing Action Plan was created.
The Horowhenua Integrated Transport Strategy (HITS) provides strategic direction to Council, our transport partners and our community on how we plan to develop our transport network and deliver key transport solutions for the next 30 years.
The Horowhenua 2040 Strategy (H2040) sets out a new direction for Horowhenua over twenty years.
The Horowhenua 2040 Blueprint details 12 action areas Horowhenua District Council is committed to improving, with liveability and prosperity at the heart of the work being prioritised.
View Horowhenua District Council's Procurement Strategy, adopted on 14 September 2022, along with the Delegations Register. This strategy is included in Council's Procurement Framework, which sets the direction in how procurement is to be completed over the next three years.
View Council's Plan on a Page which outlines community outcomes, values and key priorities.
The Long Term Plan 2021-2041 Amendment updates the LTP 2021-2041 and is Council's key strategic planning document. It outlines Council's financial situation as well as the levels of service we're committed to for the activities we undertake and capital projects work programme.
View Council's 2023/2024 Annual Plan, developed together with the Long Term Plan 2021-2041 Amendment (LTPA).
Enriching Horowhenua’s environment is one of Council's priorities. This includes efforts to preserve and enhance natural surroundings through sustainability, better waste management, and climate resilience. The goal is to foster a healthier environment for future generations, reflecting Council’s commitment to responsible stewardship and sustainable development.