Parks, Reserves & Recreation

Horowhenua District Council maintains the District's parks and reserves and recreational spaces on behalf of its residents, to ensure that our District is a great place to live, work and play. Whether you're a resident of Horowhenua or a visitor to our region, below is your online directory of parks and reserves around our District. 

Camping is allowed (with permit only) at Kimberley and Parikawau Reserves, at certain times of the year. Please check the directory for more information. Parks and Reserves information is also available for downloading in our Out and About brochure below.

You can apply online to use Council facilities using our online application forms below, or apply offline by downloading the print versions. If applying offline, please print, complete and hand in your application at Council's Customer Service Centre or scan the form and email it to

Online Application Forms Print Versions (*see note below)

Parks & Facilities Application Form 
Camping Permit Online Application Form
Sports Ground Online Application Form

Parks and Facilities Application Form Print Version(PDF, 88KB)
Camping Permit Application Form Print Version 
Sports Ground Application Form Print Version 

Camping Permits are managed by Horowhenua District Council. Enquiries for All Sports Ground, Parks & facilities and Camping Permits can be made by email to or by phone (06) 366 0999. *Printed booking forms and camping permit applications can scanned and emailed to, or delivered by hand to Council's Customer Service Centre. 

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