Horowhenua 2040 Strategy
The Horowhenua 2040 (H2040) Strategy is a high level, overarching strategy which serves as a book end document to set out the direction and steps we are taking to help make Horowhenua a vibrant, thriving and more sustainable place for everyone, protecting our community spirit for future generations to enjoy.
H2040 has the status of a strategic planning document and will be given effect to, by the Horowhenua 2040 Blueprint, through Council's Community Wellbeing Committee and community networks, the Long Term Plan (LTP), Infrastructure Strategy and Asset Management Plans, the District Plan and Community Plans for our towns and community settlements. Other partners to help realise H2040 are potentially collaborative, multi-agency or joint venture partnerships.
H2040 gives further effect to Council’s Economic Development Strategy (EDS) as a continuation-inpart of Council’s 10-year economic development vision, with H2040 providing adjustments to better implement this strategy.
The strategic planning framework that H2040 provides will be used by Council to guide the formulation of further policies and plans; and will inform collaborative relationships with Central Government and other key agencies, organisations and stakeholders.
HDC Horowhenua 2040 Strategy(PDF, 9MB)
Core components of the H2040 Strategy
The H2040 Strategy has been developed around the following core components:
- Structural approach to managing the sustainable development of our District
- Our people, our communities – a strong foundation
- Community resilience and wellbeing – opportunities for lift and growth
- Collaborative arrangements and stakeholder partnerships.
The impetus to prepare H2040 was that Council needed to address the bigger picture and to develop a clear, community informed position on the issues and challenges affecting Horowhenua, and thereby better understand community aspirations for the future.
The Strategy:
- incorporates the principles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi / Treaty of Waitangi
- aligns with the Central Government priorities
- aligns with the Horowhenua Prospectus
- explores opportunities for collaborative and stakeholder partnerships with Central Government agencies, businesses and community groups, trusts and societies, locally, regionally and nationally
- identifies case studies and pilots that could ‘make a difference’ and build community and resilience, as exemplars, for consideration.