Rubbish & Recycling A-Z


We’ve created this handy lists to help you see quickly and easily what should go in your recycling wheelie bin, what should go in your green recycling crate, and what should go in your rubbish bag.

Item Where does it go
Aerosol Cans (empty) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Alcohol bottles This item belongs in your Council glass recycling crate.
This item belongs in your Council glass recycling crate
But remove the lid, those can go in your Council rubbish bag
Aluminium This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Aluminium cans Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin - Don’t forget to wash before you toss
Aluminium foil This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Baby bottles Plastic Number 7: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
We can't recycle this type of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Check the Plastic Recycling Number.
Batteries (Car) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a
Batteries (Household) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers OR can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations. Portable rechargeable batteries (eg nickel cadmium and power tool batteries) can be safely disposed of at the privately owned and operated Levin Waste Transfer Station and Council-owned Foxton Waste Transfer Station.
Bedding This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Bedding (poor condition, wet, stained, torn) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Beer bottles This item belongs in your Council glass recycling crate.
This item belongs in your Council glass recycling crate
But remove the lid, those can go in your Council rubbish bag
Bicycles / bike parts (poor condition, rusted) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers OR can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Board games (all parts included) This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Board games (poor condition, parts missing) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Books (used poor condition, stained, torn) Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first.
This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin
Books (good condition) This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Box (cardboard) Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin
Box (plastic) Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first.Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Some plastic boxes can be recycled some can't.
Check the Plastic Recycling Number we can only accept plastics 1, 2 and 5 in your Council recycling wheelie bin
Brass This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Bubblewrap Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Cans / tins Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin - Don’t forget to wash before you toss
Car parts This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can be taken else where and cashed in. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Cars (unwanted, for scrap) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Contact your local wreckers. You could get cash for your old car
Cardboard Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin
Carpet Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Cartons (Tetra Pak® - liquid paperboard carton) - eg milk, custard. or stock cartons  This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a Specialised Recycling Station
CDs This item can be donated or given away. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
CDs(poor condition, broken) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Chemical waste This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to a chemical collection and disposal company
Clingfilm Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Clothing (good condition) This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Clothing (poor condition, wet, stained, torn) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Computers This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers, or to to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Concrete This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Copper This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Corks Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Corrugated Iron This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
COVID-19 / RAT Test Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Crockery and cutlery This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Crockery and cutlery (poor condition, broken) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Cups plastic disposablePlastic Number 6: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
We can't recycle this type of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Check the Plastic Recycling Number.


We’ve created this handy lists to help you see quickly and easily what should go in your recycling wheelie bin, what should go in your green recycling crate, and what should go in your rubbish bag.

Item Where does it go
Diesel This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to a chemical collection and disposal company
Dirt / clean fill / soil This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Dishwashers This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers OR can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Disposable plates and cups Plastic Number 6: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. We can't recycle this type of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Check the Plastic Recycling Number
Drinking glasses Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. These are Non-recyclable glass. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
bottles - disposable Number 1 plastics: Can be recycled. Place in your Horowhenua District Council recycling wheelie bin. Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin - Don’t forget to wash before you toss
Drink bottles - reusable Plastic Number 7: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. We can't recycle this type of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Check the Plastic Recycling Number
Egg cartons Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin
Electrical cable This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
E-Waste (anything electrical) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Fabric This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Fabric (poor condition, wet, stained, torn) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
 Facemasks Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Fire extinguisher This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Fluorescent lights This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Fluorescent lights contain mercury and must be properly disposed of. Contact Interwaste for options to properly recycle your fluorescent lights
Food scraps This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. But it can be Composted.
Turn food scraps into compost for you garden
Fridge / freezer (Broken) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers OR can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Fridge / freezer (Repairable) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to a whiteware repairs
Furniture This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Furniture (poor condition, broken) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Garden / Green Waste This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Compost in your garden or can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Garden waste This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Gas cylinders / LPG bottle This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Glass (broken) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. These are Non-recyclable glass. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Glass food jars This item belongs in your Council glass recycling crate.
This item belongs in your Council glass recycling crate.
But remove the lid, those can go in your Council rubbish bag
Glasses / eyewear This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Glasses / eyewear (broken) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Grass / greenage This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations.
Hair / fur Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Heater (electric) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Heater (gas) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Herbicides This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to a chemical collection and disposal company
Iron (metal) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Joinery (aluminium) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Junk mail Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin
Leaves This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Light bulb (broken, halogen, incandescent, LED) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
These are Non-recyclable glass. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Light bulb (energy saver / Compact Fluorescent Lights This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
There is a free Compact Fluorescent Lights collection box in the Horowhenua District Council building, and one at the Foxton Transfer Station or take to a Specialised Recycling Station
Liquid paperboard carton (Tetra Pak®) - eg milk, custard. or stock cartons This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a Specialised Recycling Station
LPG bottle / Gas cylinders This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations


We’ve created this handy lists to help you see quickly and easily what should go in your recycling wheelie bin, what should go in your green recycling crate, and what should go in your rubbish bag.

Item Where does it go
Makeup Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Mattress This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Mattress (poor condition, wet, stained, torn) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Meat trays Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first.
This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin - as long as they are clean and without plastic wrapping.  
Medicine This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to your local pharmacy for safe disposal
Metal lids from jars and bottles Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Milk bottles Number 2 plastics: Can be recycled. Place in your Horowhenua District Council recycling wheelie bin. Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin - Don’t forget to wash before you toss.
Mirrored glass Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
These are Non-recyclable glass. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Mobile phones (any condition) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to Noel Leeming, Levin or visit Re:Mobile for more options to recycle your mobile phone
Monitors This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to a metal recyclers OR can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Musical instruments This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Needles / syringes This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to your local pharmacy for safe disposal
Newspapers / magazines Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin
Oil (cooking) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to a Waste cooking oil removal company
Oil (engine) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers OR can be taken to the Foxton Transfer Recycling Stations
Oven This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers OR can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Paint This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to a Resene ColourShop, or to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Paper Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin
Paper cups (waxed) - eg Takeaway cups Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Perfume bottle Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Pesticides This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Take to a chemical collection and disposal company
Petrol This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to a chemical collection and disposal company
Phone books Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin.
Pizza Boxes Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. Clean pizza boxes are able to go in your kerbside recycling. Be sure to remove any food scraps from the box before it goes in to your recycling bin.
Plastic bags Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. This is a soft plastic, place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Plastic containers (numbers 1,2 & 5)
Number 1 plastics: Can be recycled. Place in your Horowhenua District Council recycling wheelie bin.Number 2 plastics: Can be recycled. Place in your Horowhenua District Council recycling wheelie bin. Number 5 plastics: Can be recycled. Place in your Horowhenua District Council recycling wheelie bin.
Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin - Don’t forget to wash before you toss
Plastic containers (numbers 3,4,6 & 7)
Plastic Number 3: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.Plastic Number 4: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.Plastic Number 6: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.Plastic Number 7: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
We can't recycle these types of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.Check the Plastic Recycling Number
Plastic wrap / Gladwrap Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
This is a soft plastic, place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Polystyrene Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Pots and pans This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Pots and pans (poor condition, stainless steel) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Printer cartridges Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
PVC pipes Plastic Number 3: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. We can't recycle these types of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Check the Plastic Recycling Number
Pyrex glass This item can be donated or given away. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Pyrex glass (poor condition, broken) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
This is a Non-recyclable glass. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
 RAT / COVID-19 Test Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Rubbish (household) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag


We’ve created this handy lists to help you see quickly and easily what should go in your recycling wheelie bin, what should go in your green recycling crate, and what should go in your rubbish bag.

Item Where does it go
Sauce bottles Plastic Number 4: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. We can't recycle these types of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Check the Plastic Recycling Number
Scrap metal This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Shampoo & conditioner bottles Number 2 plastics: Can be recycled. Place in your Horowhenua District Council recycling wheelie bin. Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin - Don’t forget to wash before you toss
Shoes This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Shoes (poor condition, wet, stained, torn) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Soft drink bottle Number 1 plastics: Can be recycled. Place in your Horowhenua District Council recycling wheelie bin. Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin - Don’t forget to wash before you toss
Soft plastics Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Solvents This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Take to a chemical collection or disposal company
Sport bottles Plastic Number 7: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
We can't recycle this type of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Check the Plastic Recycling Number.
Sports equipment This item can be donated or given away. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Spray cans (empty) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Stainless steel This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Steel food tins and cans Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin - Don’t forget to wash and squash!
Takeaway cups (coffee, soft drinks) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
These are Non-recyclable materials. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Takeaway food containersPlastic Number 6: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
We can't recycle this type of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Check the Plastic Recycling Number.
Televisions This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Tetra Pak® - liquid paperboard carton - eg milk, custard This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a Specialised Recycling Station
Timber / wood This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Tin (metal) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Tissues / paper towel (used) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Toner cartridges Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Tools This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Tools (poor condition / broken) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Tooth Brush Plastic Number 7: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
We can't recycle this type of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Check the Plastic Recycling Number.
Topsoil This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Toys This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Toys in poor condition (mixed material / wood / hard plastic) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Trailers This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Trees / stumps This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Tyres This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Videos and DVDs This item can be donated or given away.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Donate to your local charity shop
Videos and DVDs (poor condition, broken) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Water bottles - plastic disposableNumber 1 plastics: Can be recycled. Place in your Horowhenua District Council recycling wheelie bin. Place in to your Recycling Wheelie Bin - Don’t forget to wash first. This item belongs in your Council recycling wheelie bin - Don’t forget to wash before you toss
Water bottles - plastic reusable Plastic Number 7: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. We can't recycle this type of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Check the Plastic Recycling Number
Whiteware This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers OR can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Window (complete with frame, no glass) This item can't be disposed on Kerbside.
Can't be disposed on Kerbside, take to a metal recyclers
Window glass (broken) Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
This is a Non-recyclable glass. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag
Wine bottles (glass) This item belongs in your Council glass recycling crate.
This item belongs in your Council glass recycling crate
Wood pellets. This item can't be disposed on Kerbside. Can't be disposed on Kerbside, this item can be taken to the Foxton or Shannon Waste Transfer Recycling Stations
Wool Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag

Yoghurt pottles - Small / 6pk Plastic Number 6: Can't be recycled, Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag.
We can't recycle this type of plastic. Place in your Horowhenua District Council rubbish bag. Check the Plastic Recycling Number.