Apply for a Rates Rebate

The Rates Rebates Scheme provides a rebate of up to $790 for low-income earners who are paying rates for the home they were living in on 1 July 2024.

Who is eligible?

Rebates will be calculated based on your income, the number of dependents living with you and the total amount of rates for the rating year 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025, including Horowhenua District Council and Horizons Regional Council.

How to apply

To apply, you'll need accurate information about your income (and that of any spouse/partner and/or joint home owner who lives with you) for the tax year ended 31 March 2024.

Find out if you're eligible

To check your entitlement, visit the 'Getting a rates rebate’ page on the New Zealand Government website and enter your details into the rebate calculator.

What you'll need to provide

You'll need to provide the following:

  • proof of income (before tax) for the tax year ended 31 March 2024 (this includes any interest at the bank); and
  • proof of your spouse/partner's or joint income if living together.

Council will be able to access your rates information.

What's included in proof of income

'Income' means money received, before tax, for the tax year ended 31 March 2024. Satisfactory proof of income includes:

  • income confirmation from Work and Income; and/or
  • income confirmation from Inland Revenue; and/or
  • investment earning statements for the tax year; and/or
  • statement of earnings from your employer.

If you receive a benefit from Work and Income

It’s now easier to apply for your rates rebate than previous years if your only source of income (and your spouse/partner/joint homeowner's only income) is from Work and Income. You can complete our Rates Rebate MSD Waiver form when you apply and we can get your proof of benefit income on your behalf. You'll still need to provide proof of income from IRD if you receive other sources of income (eg interest, rentals) on top of your benefit.

If you're self-employed

Additionally, for self-employed people:

  • a complete set of business accounts for the tax year ended 31 March 2024
  • you cannot offset business losses against other income
  • business losses should be entered as $0.

Where to get proof of income

Inland Revenue (IRD)
Income Tax enquiries
Freephone: 0800 227 774 (NZ only)
Work and Income
General enquiries for under 65
Freephone: 0800 559 009 (NZ only)
Working for Families
General enquiries for individuals
Freephone: 0800 227 773

Apply now

By email

Step 1.Complete the application form

If you think you might be eligible, download and complete the application form.

Puka tono monihoki reiti 2024-2025 | Rates rebate application form 2024-2025(PDF, 285KB)

Paper forms are available at Council's Main Office in Levin, or service centres in Foxton and Shannon.

If you live in a retirement village

Your village manager must sign a declaration form.

Tiwhikete monihoki reiti mō ngā kainoho papa kāinga kaumātua | Retirement village residents rates rebates certificate(PDF, 108KB)

If you live in a company-share apartment

The person who is responsible for paying rates for the whole property must sign a declaration form.

Whakapuakitanga monihoki Reiti mō ngā wharetō whai hea pakihi | Company-share apartment residents -  Declaration form(PDF, 263KB)

If your only income is from Work and Income

It’s now easier to apply for your rates rebate than previous years if your only source of income (and your spouse/partner/joint homeowner's only income) is from Work and Income. Download and complete our Rates Rebate MSD Waiver form below and we can get your proof of benefit income on your behalf. You'll still need to provide proof of income from IRD if you receive other sources of income (eg interest, rentals) on top of your benefit.

HDC Rates Rebate 2023-2024 Income Release Waiver Form(PDF, 56KB)  

Step 2.Return the form to us

Scan your completed application form, including the supporting documents, and email them to

Applications close on Friday 30 June 2025.

By mail

Step 1.Complete the application form

If you think you might be eligible, download and complete the application form.

Puka tono monihoki reiti 2024-2025 | Rates rebate application form 2024-2025(PDF, 285KB)

Paper forms are available at Council's Main Office in Levin, or service centres in Foxton and Shannon.

If you live in a retirement village

Your village manager must sign a declaration form.

Tiwhikete monihoki reiti mō ngā kainoho papa kāinga kaumātua | Retirement village residents rates rebates certificate(PDF, 108KB)

If you live in a company-share apartment

The person who is responsible for paying rates for the whole property must sign a declaration form.

Whakapuakitanga monihoki Reiti mō ngā wharetō whai hea pakihi | Company-share apartment residents -  Declaration form(PDF, 263KB)

If your only income is from Work and Income

It’s now easier to apply for your rates rebate than previous years if your only source of income (and your spouse/partner/joint homeowner's only income) is from Work and Income. Download and complete our Rates Rebate MSD Waiver form below and we can get your proof of benefit income on your behalf. You'll still need to provide proof of income from IRD if you receive other sources of income (eg interest, rentals) on top of your benefit.

HDC Rates Rebate 2023-2024 Income Release Waiver Form(PDF, 56KB)  

Step 2.Return the form to us

Send your completed application form, including the supporting documents, to Horowhenua District Council, Private Bag 4002, Levin 5540.

Applications close on Friday 30 June 2025.

In person

Make an appointment

Council staff are happy to assist you to complete your application. Phone us on 06 366 0999 or email your name and phone number to

Applications close on Friday 30 June 2025.

What happens next?

If you’re successful, we'll deduct the amount of your rebate from your rates bill. If you’ve already paid your rates in full, we’ll give you a refund.


Do I have to be on superannuation to apply?

No, ratepayers of any age can apply. The rebate is based on total income from all sources for the tax year ended 31 March 2024.

Can self-employed people apply?

Yes. Self-employed people simply need to bring in proof of income or your set of accounts for the tax year ending 31 March 2024.

Do my rates have to be up-to-date to apply?

No. The rebate is based on your current year's rates. We encourage anyone facing difficulty in paying their rates to contact Council to discuss options.

Is the process complicated?

No. The process is simple and straightforward. Council staff are happy to assist you to complete your application.