Resident Satisfaction Survey 2023

Published on October 30, 2023

Resident Satisfaction Survey 2023.

Download the above Resident Satisfaction Survey(PDF, 585KB)

One of the ways we measure the public perception of how we are performing is through our annual survey of residents. 

The survey was conducted in June and was available online between 2 and 28 June. A total of 2091 surveys were completed, a 48% increase in individual responses compared to 2022.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to answer the survey questions and provide feedback on how we’re progressing. Your input will help us determine which areas we need to focus on most.



  Overall satisfaction with Council facilities and services for 2023 was 69%.


  Alongside customer satisfaction measurements, for the last two years, we've also been measuring Net Promoter Score (NPS) - a customer loyalty and satisfaction metric. NPS can range from -100 to 100.  Net Promoter Score (NPS) improved 8.0 points compared to 2022 which was -16.0.
    Customer service at Aquatics Horowhenua, Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, Horowhenua District Council Main Office and Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom achieved 68% satisfaction, with the Library services scoring an overall 94% satisfaction rate. 

Method used

The 2023 survey was conducted solely via Ask Nicely an online Voice of Customer survey tool. Ten surveys (broken down by different Council services and facilities) were sent via email to our emailable ratepayer base and via social media posts to a broader Horowhenua target audience. We received 6,051 collective survey responses (those people who completed more than one survey) and 2091 individual responses.

The surveys had a margin of error ranging from 3% to 5% with a 95% confidence level, meaning the sample size is robust and reflective of a cross section of our community, and results are statistically significant.