22 March 2023

  • Meeting DateMarch 22, 2023
  • Meeting TypeCouncil Extraordinary Meeting

An extraordinary meeting of the Horowhenua District Council.


11:00 AM


Council Chambers, 126 Oxford Street, Levin, 5510 View Map

Agenda Attachment - LTPA / AP Draft Council Controlled Organisations

Agenda Attachment - LTPA / AP Draft Definitions & Interpretations

Agenda Attachment - LTPA / AP Draft Development Contributions Policy

Agenda Attachment - LTPA / AP Draft Fees & Charges

Agenda Attachment - LTPA / AP Draft Financial Statements

Agenda Attachment - LTPA / AP Draft Financial Strategy

Agenda Attachment - LTPA / AP Draft Infrastructure Strategy 2021-2051

Agenda Attachment - LTPA / AP Draft Partnerships with Māori

Agenda Attachment - LTPA / AP Draft Policies

Agenda Attachment - LTPA/AP Draft Significant Forecasting Assumptions

Agenda Attachment - LTPA / AP Draft Activity Statements

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