Apply for a Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity

You can apply to Horowhenua District Council for a Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity (a type of Resource Consent) online.

Before you get started

Before you begin, we recommend you view our Resource consent process 9-step guide pageA well-prepared application that covers all aspects of your proposed deemed permitted boundary activity will make the process as smooth as possible, and will save you both time and processing costs.

If you have a larger or more complex proposed activity in mind, you can contact Council's Planning Team on 06 366 0999 to discuss your proposed consent and get some help to figure out what information is needed.

What you'll need - an application checklist

You'll need the following information to apply:

  • the name and address of any occupiers or owners of the site where the activity will take place
  • a description of your proposal (boundary activity)
  • a description of the site where the activity will take place, including the Lot and DP number
  • an electronic copy of the Record (Certificate) of Title for the subject property, less than three months old (alternatively we can provide this for you for an additional fee)
  • electronic copies of the site plan, location plan and elevation drawings - these can be in one combined file
  • electronic copies of the written approval from all registered owners of all allotments with infringed boundaries (written approval form signed and dated, all proposal plans signed and dated by all owners with infringed boundaries).


Step 1.Prepare your supporting information

Gather the information you need to support your application, from our checklist provided above.

Tip: We estimate it will take between 10-15 minutes to complete this form. We recommend you save your online form regularly as you work through it and store any description information in a separate document before you make a start.

Step 2.Apply and pay online

Have your credit card, debit card or internet banking details ready (if paying by POLi) for the deposit fee. Your application won't be processed until payment has been receipted.

Apply for a Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity

Note: If processing fees exceed the deposit paid, they'll be charged on an hourly basis. A full list of our current fees and charges is available on our Planning Fees & Charges page.

Step 3.Processing your application

Once your deposit fee payment has been matched to your application it will be assigned to a planner for processing. You can view a brief outline of the process we follow and the timeframes on our Processing your resource consent application page.

Paying for your Deemed Permitted Boundary Application

The initial fee for a Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity application is a deposit only. You can pay for your application deposit by:

  • credit card, debit card or POLi (online applications only);
  • internet banking; or
  • in person - if you've applied online, please bring your receipt number with you.

Once your deposit fee payment has been matched to your application it will be assigned to a planner for processing.

Record (Certificate) of Title Fee

If you've asked Council to supply the record of title in your application, an additional fee of $65.00 will apply per title. This will be added to your application fee. This fee can be found on our Building Fees & Charges page.  

Internet banking payments

Please pay by internet banking to our BNZ account 02-0668-0070607-02 and include the following details:

  • Particulars: Your name
  • Code: Property address of application site, eg '126 Oxford Street, Lvn'
  • Reference: Receipt number on your online application, eg 'DPBA-1', or 'DPBA' if applying by email or in person.

Please take care to ensure the payment is correctly referenced.

Additional charges will be made for the processing of your application, based on an hourly rate set out in our Planning Fees & Charges. These will be invoiced once your application has been completed.