Robert and Ann Wright


Ann and Rob together have made an outstanding contribution to supporting people with diabetes in our district for more than thirty years.

Rob, an ambulance officer and Ann, a nurse, came to Levin so Ann could start work at Horowhenua Hospital. Ann’s an expert in the field of diabetes and the on-going care of those who have the disease and there are many in our community who owe her a great deal for the way she’s helped them learn to cope and for her ongoing support at any time. Ann gives her contact details to everyone here diagnosed with diabetes and at weekends when other services are closed she’ll sometimes have 4 or 5 people phoning for advice.

Ann and Rob have been President and vice president of the local branch of Diabetes NZ and have been pivotal to fundraising efforts and for raising awareness with information sessions and activities. The staff at the Manawatu/Horowhenua/Tararua Diabetes Trust value their skills and support.

Rob is also a stalwart of the Horowhenua Health Shuttle looking after training, standards and driving assessments which have to happen monthly. He’s even cleaned the shuttles when the vehicle groomers were on holiday. Passengers love his humour and the rest of the crew appreciate his competence. Rob likes people - he is also a Masonic village volunteer driver and children’s train driver at the Adventure Park.

Those who recommended Ann and Rob for an award have described them as a couple with boundless energy and passion and Ann says: "We enjoy giving back to this wonderful town and community." They are worthy recipients for the help they give people to manage their condition in order to live well.