Would you like to participate in a Citizens’ Panel?

Published on December 02, 2022

Citizens Panel.

We have some major decisions ahead of us that require your input. 

Horowhenua is growing at nearly three times the pace of the rest of Aotearoa. This growth, coupled with recent severe weather events, has led to the need for Council to amend the 2021-2041 Long Term Plan (LTP).  

This amendment is to ensure the money Council needs to invest in key infrastructure projects is brought forward, the future of the Levin Landfill is agreed and you have the opportunity to discuss how rates are more fairly attributed.

You will hear a lot more about the Long Term Plan Amendment (LTPA) and Annual Plan including how you can get involved over the coming months, with formal consultation later in March 2023.

If you would like to be included in a Citizens’ Panel where you’ll get the opportunity to participate in focus groups discussing the key LTPA topics ahead of the formal consultation period, please contact us at comms@horowhenua.govt.nz

Follow us on social media @HorowhenuaDC and other media channels to keep up to date.