Plan Variation 3

Proposed Plan Variation 3 (PPV3): Rural Subdivision Design Guide Review

Proposed Plan Variation 3 involved changes to the Proposed District Plan (Decision Version).

The intent of Proposed Plan Variation 3 was not to alter or challenge the intent of existing objectives, policies or rules in the District Plan. It primarily involved amendments to the Rural Subdivision Design Guide (Schedule 6) through the provision of new guidance in relation to buildings and development within Outstanding Natural Landscapes and landscape domains with high amenity. It also resulted in minor amendments to existing text to improve clarity and reduce unnecessary repetition.

Operative Date

At its meeting on 2 September 2015, Horowhenua District Council authorised for Proposed Plan Variation 3 to be made operative from 18 September 2015.

In accordance with the requirements of clause 20(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 the operative date for this proposed plan variation was publicly notified on 9 September 2015. The public notice is available for downloading below.

Public Notice of Operative Date for Proposed Plan Variation 2 and 3 - 9 September 2015(PDF, 20KB)

Proposed Plan Variation 3 involved the review of the Rural Subdivision Design Guide (Schedule 6 of the District Plan 2015). It also resulted in some minor amendments to relevant parts of Chapters 3, 19 and 25. The amended version of the Rural Subdivision and Development Design Guide is available for downloading below.

Horowhenua District Plan 2015 - Schedule 6 - Rural Subdivision and Development Design Guide(PDF, 3MB)

Notification of Decision and Appeal period

Following the Hearing of submissions for this Proposed Plan Variation the District Plan Hearings Panel (acting with full delegated authority) made a decision on Proposed Plan Variation 3.

The decision of the Hearings Panel was adopted for public notification by Council at its meeting on 3 June 2015. This decision was publically notified on 12 June 2015 and letters were sent to submitters informing them of the decision.

No appeals on the decision on Proposed Plan Variation 3 were lodged with the Environment Court following notification of the decision.

A copy of the Decision on Proposed Plan Variation 3 is available for downloading below.

Decision of Hearings Panel - Proposed Plan Variation 3(PDF, 396KB)  


The Hearing for Proposed Plan Variation 3 was held on 25 November 2014, in Council Chambers, 126 Oxford Street, Levin. A copy of the Section 42A Hearing Report is available below.

Section 42A Report - Proposed Plan Variation 3: Rural Subdivision Design Guide(PDF, 113KB)  


Submissions on PPV3 closed on 15 September 2014, with 2 submissions received. The Summary of Submissions report was notified on 3 October 2014 and contains a summary of all the decisions requested by submitters.

PPV3 Summary of Submissions(PDF, 545KB)  

The closing date to lodge a further submission with the Council was 17 October 2014. No further submissions were received.